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Are Multi Vitamins Good for You?

Are Multi Vitamins Good for You?

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vitamin deficiency

 Vitamin Deficiency? Do Multi Vitamins Really Work?  

Alane Wincek, ND, CNC
certified, holistic nutritionist, metabolic specialist, author
678-372-2913 /

January 2, 2023 

Vitamin Deficiency? Do Multi Vitamins Really Work? 


vitamin deficiencyWe’ve all heard the back-and-forth chatter on our multivitamins. Some say you must take the liquid form to avoid a vitamin deficiency; others say capsules or tablets are acceptable. Further, are the vitamins and minerals in this particular vitamin enough to satisfy my body’s needs?

Our unique vitamins and mineral need to support optimal health, so using a multivitamin may not be enough for you. Someone with hair loss may find they are low in minerals, while someone with immune challenges may find they are low in antioxidants. I may need more B vitamins, and you may need much extra zinc.

Is There Really Any Benefit to Multivitamins?


It can go either way. When I think about the benefits of taking a multivitamin. I do not take one. I prefer to take only the vitamins my body needs. In total, there may be some benefits of taking a multivitamin if your overall vitamin levels are good.

But suppose you do what I do every few years and test my vitamin levels for vitamin deficiency. In that case, I learn exactly what amounts of each vitamin my body needs to function at its best.

Taking just a multivitamin can help improve memory, mood, energy, and the immune system. But the question is always, are these amounts good enough for you?

The first thought is if the multivitamin is absorbable or not. I like the Active Nutrients by Xymogen for most people and Orthomolecular Labs Mitocore Multi if people are fatigued. Then if someone does a vitamin deficiency test with us and we find they need extra B vitamins, we can add that on. If antioxidants are low, we can add that too.

Do Multi Vitamins Really Work? 

A multi vitamin can work really well for someone that is in good health, to supplement an already healthy diet.
But will a multi vitamin work for someone that eats the standard American food diet? Probably not. 

As a certified, holistic nutritionist I believe people should take what their body needs or lacks. This will save you on time, money and energy. 

There are a few vitamins that I never suggest a person take unless their bloodwork shows a need. Those are the minerals calcium and iron. If you unsure if you need iron or not, play it safe and get a multi vitamin without iron. 

If you do not eat well and are looking to get a few nutrients into your body than an iron free multi vitamin may work well for you. But if you are wanting to know for sure what vitamins your body needs than look at this link describing my favorite test for vitamin deficiency. 

Do Multi Vitamins Actually Make People Healthier? 


Many Americans take multivitamins, but do they really make up for a poor diet or provide you with the necessary nutrients for good health? The answer depends on you and your health, illnesses, chronic conditions, and personal nutrient needs.

Let’s start with diet. When I meet with a client, our first conversation is about their daily diet and health concerns. Making smart food choices is the first step in improving your health. A multivitamin won’t be a surefire way to get all the nutrients that are missed in a poor diet. I understand that life is busy, but it isn’t too difficult when you know how to eat healthy food quickly. It is unhealthy, fast food that lacks nutrients.

Another way to look at this is if you are dealing with osteoporosis; for example, popping a multivitamin will not fix it. But taking a multivitamin, improving your daily diet, and increasing other nutrients you are low in may benefit your health and bones more.

What Are Some Pros and Cons to Multivitamins?

Some of the pros to taking a multivitamin are:

  • improved muscle strength
  • possible improved bone health
  • improved energy 
  • may improve or prevent vitamin deficiency
  • may improve brain function 
  • They are easy to use 

Cons to taking a multivitamin: 

  • They will not cover enough if you have a serious vitamin deficiency
  • You may be taking more vitamins than your body requires
  • If it is a poor quality multivitamin it will not work well. 

Alane’s Answer is Test Don’t Guess 




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Hey! I’m Alane Wincek. I grew up on sugar and plenty of junk food and had no clue how my diet effected my health. 

 I changed my life and have worked as a holistic nutritionist and naturopath, for over the last 30 years. I help people get healthy, fit and lean, find hormone happiness and recover from all sorts health challenges. 

Obsessed With: my family, my dog, my clients, loving life, and living it to the fullest! 

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